
Principles of cognitive neuroscience

Dale Purves ... [et al.]. -- 2nd ed. -- Sinauer Associates, 2013. <TY00317578>

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標題および責任表示 Principles of cognitive neuroscience / Dale Purves ... [et al.]
版事項 2nd ed
出版・頒布事項 Sunderland, Mass. : Sinauer Associates , c2013
形態事項 xxii, 601 p. ; 29 cm
ISBN 9780878935734
内容著作注記 Cognitive neuroscience : definitions, themes, and approaches
内容著作注記 The methods of cognitive neuroscience
内容著作注記 Sensory systems and perception : vision
内容著作注記 Sensory systems and perception : auditory, mechanical, and chemical senses
内容著作注記 Motor systems : organization of action
内容著作注記 Attention and its effects on stimulus processing
内容著作注記 The control of attention
内容著作注記 Memory : varieties and mechanisms
内容著作注記 Declarative memory
内容著作注記 Emotion
内容著作注記 Social cognition
内容著作注記 Language
内容著作注記 Executive functions
内容著作注記 Decision making
内容著作注記 Evolution and development of brain and cognition
内容著作注記 The human nervous system
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
学情ID BB11184879
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク Purves, Dale, 1938- <AU00368221>
分類標目 NLM:WL 337
分類標目 DC23:612.8/233
件名標目等 Mental Processes -- physiology
件名標目等 Brain -- physiology
件名標目等 Neuropsychology