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  • UserGuide

Procedures for the Use

If you are an undergraduate student/graduate student at Muroran IT, you can use your student ID card as a library card. If you are a staff member of Muroran IT who have your IC University ID card, you can use your card as a library card.


Entering the Library

To enter the library, you need your student ID card/University ID card. You can pass their card over the card reader.
In case you forget your ID, please visit the Service Counter.


Library Hour

Library Calender

Mon.-Fri. Sat. Sun. ,National Holiday
Academic Periods 9:00~21:00 11:00~19:00
Examination Periods 9:00~22:00
Vacation Periods1 (April) 9:00~17:00 11:00~17:00
Vacation Periods2 9:00~17:00 11:00~17:00 closed


Using Library Materials


Materials in library can be borrowed by using self check out machine.
Some materials (Reference books, Audio-visual materials, Rare books, et.al) may not be taken out.
You can renew a book only once.

Number of Materials and Loan Period

The number of books Loan Period
Undergraduate and Auditing Students Up to 10 books 14 days
Graduate Students, Research students Up to 15 books 30 days
University Staff Up to 15 books 30 days
visitors Up to 5 books 14 days


You can return by using self check out machine.
You cannot borrow and renew any materials when you hold overdue materials.
In case you fail to return the books by the date due, your right to loan books will be suspended during the same period as your overdue days.

Searching Library Materials

If you can access the Internet, you can use Library Catalog (OPAC).


Using computers

You can user PCs in the library. You can also get access to our wireless LAN network in the library. You need your Muroran IT ID and password to log on to PCs and wireless LAN in the library.


Inter-Library Loan

Borrowing books

  • Books can be loaned from the libraries of any national university in Japan, libraries of public and private universities, the National Diet Library and others. Fees are charged for the shipping of materials.
  • Please consult a supervisor, when you wish.

Ordering photocopies of parts of books or periodicals

  • Fees are charged for both the photocopying and the shipping the material.
  • Please consult a supervisor, when you wish.


【 室蘭工業大学附属図書館 】 住所 / 〒 050-8585 北海道室蘭市水元町27-1 TEL / 0143-46-5189(代表)  > 交通アクセス